Less than 24 hours after Apple executives took to the stage at this year's WWDC and announced iOS 5, hackers already took to Apple's upcoming mobile OS and jailbroke it. (Shocking, I know!)
Word of the jailbreak first surfaced on Twitter, when user MuscleNerd linked to some proving pictures. The linked photos showed a jailbroken version of iOS 5 running on a fourth-generation iPod Touch (screenshots above).The images show that MuscleNerd gained root access to the device, and was able to install a couple jailbreak-only apps.
MuscleNerd is a well-known member of the iOS jailbreaking scene, forming part of the Dev-Team blog--a group known for rooting various versions of Apple's mobile operating system.
This new jailbreak, which makes use of the GeoHot Limera1n method, requires some patience to use as the jailbroken device will need to be tethered to a PC each and every time the device is rebooted.
It's not perfect by any means, but either way this means that iOS 5 has been jailbroken. And if past experiences hold true, an untethered jailbreak will probably come out sooner or later
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